To win the game players aim to be the first to get the amount of points needed. Though players will need to be careful of others who can block and/or gain their points.
Core Mechanic:
Players must grow their own Creepers (plants) to gain points and win the game. Although players must be careful for each player can block and/or take away each others points. To start, players must first grow their Creepers and with each turn either add to their Creeper or try to block and slow down other players.
Game Space:
The board game itself is made of 144 tiles but where the action is, is 12x12. Players have obstacles on the board such as: walls, sticks, pool, bench ladder, and other flowers. Players can use these elements to their advantage.
Players must utilize the board space to gain the must points.
Objects, Attributes and States:
The players start with the board of the game. The game includes 70 Creeper tiles: straights, turns, lifts, pierces, double/triple forks, and 6 stones (three each).
The board is surrounded with numbered tiles 0-50. These tiles mark the points each player receives. There are no negative numbers so the lowest a player can possible get is a zero. Each element on the board (pool, bench, ladder, etc.) can either earn or lose points- the pool for examples takes a point from the player. From here, the starter player can set down his Creeper to grow. If the player has chosen few tiles from the "patches" set, they must grab extra tiles to replace them.
Operative Actions:
To find out who begins the game, the player who has a garden shall start off. If both have a garden, then the one with the untidy garden goes first. If neither player has a garden then the starter player is chosen at random.
To begin the game, players must have a stone at the "0" tile to show that neither players have any points yet. From there, players must choose to use either "patches" of tiles or mixed tiles. "Patches" are pre-set arranged tiles for the players. Mixed tiles are tiles that the player chooses to use- either from the patch set and their own.
Resultant Actions:
- Grow (expand Creepers)
- Block other Creepers
- Pierce (pierce through a Creeper to grow)
- Fork (spread out, ie, one head becomes two)
- Lifting (getting onto the ceiling)
Observation of Rules:
One of the grander changes for the game is the point system. For beginners, the players must first reach a total of 30 points to win the game. Or until one player cannot grow their Creepers any further. From 30 points it can go to 40 and lastly 50 points. In some ways you can change the point system to make the game shorter or longer.
Another thing that can be changed are the stones. There are 6 stones in total with each player having three. One stone is used as the point counter as the other two stones can be used to reserve tiles on the board. These stones are strategy based but depending on the players, the rules for the stones could be changed. Maybe you could get rid of the other two stones or use them for a completely different reason- for example, obstacles.
Chance & Skill:
Chance and skill varies on each person. Skill is obtained through knowledge and experience. Chance is just plain luck.
This game relays heavily on the skill of the player- can the player grow their Creeper and slow down the other player(s) and win the game? Can they gain the points or make the other player(s) forfeit? Skill is more valuable in this game than chance. Chance is more like a side dish. Was the player lucky enough to escape the clutches of the other player(s), or maybe lucky enough to win the game?