In our class, we had to pair up with a partner and grab two board games to combine them into one. Sadly, my partner and I were stuck with the leftover games. Which became a game that was completely silly as we kept playing. The board games were Settlers of Catan and Apples to Apples.
For those of you who dont know the two games... Settlers of Catan is a very long game with strategy and lots of time... The instruction booklet said that the game takes about an hour to play. Oh jeez... And the instructions? Oh no.
Now Apples to Apples. I personally have not actually played the game. But its essentially just like Cards Against Humanity. For those who dont know either... The game itself is just cards that give you descriptive words and players have to give the best/humorous situations.
So how in the world did we create a new game with these two completely different games? Good question. We honestly didnt know what we were doing until we already had pieces on the board. The board, which is Catan's, is detailed with roads and houses randomly placed around. Using the "Robber" from Catan, we replaced its job but making it the "situation" in each town. So the piece moves to each town with a situation on hand; the situation is chosen randomly with a red Apples to Apples card. Each player is given a set amount of Knight cards (since there was only two of us we each had 7 knights) and each knight has a personality provided by the green apple cards. The objective of the game is that each player must send a knight to solve the problem in that town. The player with the must solved problems by the end of the game wins.
I had two very interesting knight... Sensual and Appetizing. Oh, when I got those two I laughed. Those two were my best knights but I had to be careful- cause those two knights might just be my downfall as well. My partner also had an interesting pair of cards...
In the end, we couldnt get a winner due to the time limit of class, but he probably one since one of my knights died trying to solve a problem.... Never send a Healthy knight to get stoned and die....